| 1. | Toward a support system for the needy students 关于构建贫困生社会化资助体系的思考 |
| 2. | An analysis of the college subsidization system for needy students 高校贫困生资助体系实践与探索 |
| 3. | Tackling the problem of needy students 高校贫困生问题研究 |
| 4. | Two interest - free college loan funds are avaliable for needy students 额将视个人实际需要由辅导主任核定借用。 |
| 5. | I was hoping you would give your helping hand to the most needy students 我倒希望你向这些特困学生伸出援助之手。 |
| 6. | On the thought of needy students ' psychological health education in teacher ' s college 师专贫困生心理健康教育浅析 |
| 7. | On countermeasures of psychology and education for needy students in colleges and universities 高校贫困生心理与教育对策探析 |
| 8. | Monetary gifts and coats for needy students of taihsi and mailiao junior high schools 关怀台西及麦寮国中清寒学生赠慰问金及御寒大衣 |
| 9. | At the same time , the new colleges would offer grants for needy students 同时,新书院更会成立助学金,以免有学生因经济原因而不能选入。 |
| 10. | Survey and thinking on the psychological health state of the needy students in universities or colleges 关于高校贫困生心理健康状况的调查与思考 |